Trails in the Sky SC received "generally favorable" reviews according to review aggregator Metacritic. A remaster The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter Evolution was released in Japan for the PlayStation Vita on December 10, 2015.
#Legend of heroes trails in the sky wiki psp
English localizations were released for Windows and PSP on October 29, 2015. Japan later received a PlayStation 3 port on April 25, 2013.
#Legend of heroes trails in the sky wiki portable
The game was released in Japan for Windows on Ma and for PlayStation Portable on September 27, 2007. She noted that the English script came up to 716,401 words, which is roughly the size of 10 novels, longer than the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy (455,125 words) and War and Peace (587,287 words). The script was edited by Xseed's Jessica Chavez.

Dice handed over his work for Xseed employees to finish up, delaying the game into 2015. Carpe Fulgur head Andrew Dice said that progress in translating the game was slowed by struggles in his personal life. The English localization was initially intended to release by mid-2014, it was later revised to release by the end of 2014. Xseed received assistance with the game's translation by Carpe Fulgur who had previously localized Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale and Chantelise – A Tale of Two Sisters. With the issues concerning the digital version solved, and the company's success with releasing Ys games on Microsoft Windows, Xseed intended to release digitally for Windows and PlayStation Portable, and on the PlayStation Vita via backward compatibility. In September 2013, Xseed reconfirmed their intentions to release the game in English in North America. While Falcom eventually announced that the technical issues regarding putting the game on PSN had been solved in October 2012, little other news on the game's localization arose in 2012 or the first half of 2013. Xseed stated that while they weren't cancelling the English release of Second Chapter, they couldn't keep it as a main focus either, and needed to work on other games to maintain financial stability.

Technical issues also complicated release the game's massive size necessitated a two disc release, which in turn caused issues releasing the game on PlayStation Network for digital download, and the decline of PlayStation Portable's presence in North America made it difficult to proceed with a multiple disc physical release (a rare occurrence for the system). The unfavorable "large undertaking, low payoff" ratio, if continued, would put them out of business.
However, the first game proved to be a massive undertaking, having over 1.5 million Japanese characters to be translated, and did not meet Xseed's sales goals. In 2010, Xseed Games confirmed that they acquired the English localization rights to all three games in the Trails in the Sky trilogy. Meanwhile the secret organization that Weissman works for begins a new shadowy plot in Liberl, causing trouble all over the country. After completing some training by the Bracer Guild to prepare for her new adventure, Estelle is ready to set out to find him. In the aftermath of the previous game's ending, Joshua has disappeared. As with the previous game, it is set in the nation of Liberl. The game's story directly follows the events of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, immediately picking up the story following its ending. Several new features were added, most notably being the addition of chain crafts, attacks in which up to four members of the party may attack enemies in a simultaneous attack. The game plays similarly to its predecessor, being a role-playing video game with turn-based battles.